Saturday, September 26, 2009
Fundraising ♫ 11:31 PM
Okay, so yesterday [September 25, 2009], the SOFAD results were announced in school, and Jane told me how she and Jillian had to tell Jam about it the day before. ]= Poor Jam. ]=
Anywayss, the other day, after our 5-6 classes, Laika told me and Twinkle to go to Educ today and watch her and Caleb sing. I thought it was something for fun, but turns out, it was a fundraising activity.
You see, LitMus this year will be held on November. It's really early compared to normal, which is supposed to be around February or March. And since we don't want to hold it just in the Gym or the basement, we decided to have it some place else like Convention Center or some place, and that's going to cost us around 20k. x_x
I know... It's a lot, but all that money will be put to good use in the end, which means everyone's donations and voluntary contributions will all be worth something good. [=
Anywayss... Going back to the story, we went to go watch Laika sing with the Bilao in front of her in the previous college building [which now belongs to Science High.] I don't know, I just really love it when Laika sings, I guess she's really just that awesome. :P
I even wanted to take videos, but she said she was shy, so I ended up not bringing the video camera. Hahah! :P But I couldn't resist, so I used my phone. I want to upload them, but it's really low quality and the noise drowns out Laika and Caleb's voices most of the time, you can't even hear the guitar. :| You could hear the crowd and the bongos pretty well though. :))
And if I'm not mistaken, [if I heard right] just from that 30 minutes of their singing, we earned 600 pesos. :D Weeeeeee~ I feel like that's a lot. I mean, sure there are 500+ students in school, but I thought it'd only reach 300 or something. :P
Oh, and two days ago [Thursday], I gave my Soul a necklace. I bought it in China and I was supposed to give it as a souvenir. Not to anyone in particular though. I just thought I'd buy several stuff and just decide who to give it to once I got back, but then I ended up not giving anyone anything. Hahah! :P
So this necklace was one of the things I bought that was supposed to be a souvenir, and since I didn't want it, and it looked pretty cute, I decided to give it to my Soul, who has happened to already give me a couple or three gifts. :|
See it? it's a panda! ^o^ It can also spin and all. :P
Oh! Oh! Oh! Before I end my post for tonight, I just wanna show you this that Crisea gave me today. xD
Yuuuuuummm~ ^w^
*gasp!* It's 2:36 AM. O.O Hahahah! Nooo... it didn't really take me that long to type this. Look, reading manga, playing DS or PSP and writing your blog isn't as easy as it sounds when you're trying to do it all at the same time. Hahah! >u<
Goodnight. ^w^ nyao~
...I offer it a cookie or a gumdrop.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Scout 'Human Resource Management Officer' For A Day ♫ 9:16 PM
A Scout is never taken by surprise...
You're probably wondering what's up with my extremely long blog title today... Well...
First of all, to those who haven't read my previous posts, I was one of the 10 girls [seniors] in our school who were chosen to take the SOFAD exam.
Scout Official For A Day
The title says it all. xD But not just any ordinary school or barangay official... we get to be [City] Government Officials. ^o^
And judging by how excited I am, you can probably tell that I got a part! :D I was aiming for councilor... Nothing more, but I guess an official is good too. :P Hey, at least I got in. :D
9 out of 10 of us girls were chosen and [?] out of 8 boys got in as well. Other participants are from other schools. :D
It's really weird though... Jam didn't get in. ]= Everyone was expecting her to get to be at least councilor coz her interview was long and they asked her difficult stuff like Cha Cha and in my view, she was able to answer well. It makes me wonder why I got a part and among all the 20-30 other people below me, I didn't see Jam's name on the list. :|
To be honest, [and I'm not just being modest] I was so sure that if even just one of us didn't get a part, I knew it would be me. I mean, if you were there during our interview, I was lost for words almost every time, and my interview went on for probably just around 3-5 minutes. Others reached 10. > . <
That made me think that they lost interest in me and that I was definitely gonna be the one who wouldn't get a part, but then came today, Ma'am Pam called me, Chryzia and Jane from Atom. And she told us the good news. It was weird she didn't call Jam, so I thought it was going to be the other way around coz I was certain that Jam was sure to get a high position.
Oh right... Mayor is Nalig and I'm worried that it's going to be be talked about a LOT by the people in Baguio since the mayor is a Bautista [family who owns our school] and Nalig's a relative of his.
Vice-Mayor is Cess. :D And Caleb got the position of the First Councilor. Isn't that awesome? Our school got the top three officials. xD
Anwyayss... Umm... Jane is an officer, she got something about buildings. Hahah! :P
And Chryzia, was bummed that she got stuck with the position of an officer who handled money. Hahahah! :P Coz you see, she's already the Finance Minister in our school, and I can see that she'd probably want a position she's not already working with. Hahah! :P
I don't know what the others got. So yea. :P
Oh, yeah. :D I'm filling in for Mr. Jose Dacawi, the Human Resource Management Officer. I have no idea what that is, but Nalig told me that I get to be the person who gets to fire people. >:)
Hahahah! :P
Anywayss, that's it for today... no pictures... -.-" Sorry... Actually I think I do, but it's late and I need to go to sleep. ^^ I'ma post them tomorrow or some other time. ^^
Goodnightsss~ ^w^nyao~
...he knows exactly what to do when anything unexpected happens. ö
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
A Normal School Day Once Again ♫ 10:14 PM
Enjoy yourself...
Yesterday, Daryll, Ricco and Vergel had their Demo speeches in English, and they taught the class how to paint writings on shirts. Blah blah blah... and here comes today, the three of them wore the shirts they made for their demo speech.
Daryll's shirt says: NIDOYLICIOUS [Aaron Nidoy is our classmate :P]
Ricco's shirt says: I SURVIVED and had a tiny... umm... sperm... below the writing. xD
And Vergel's says: JUST DO ME... y'know... "Nike: Just Do It" Yea... hahah! :P
Ricco's and Vergel's are kinda [In Char's words] pervy, but hey, those are our batchmates, what can we do about it? Hahahah! >u< When I think about it, I'm kinda glad our batchmates are like this instead of those innocent, nerdy kinds that outsiders expect Science High Scholars to be. Hahahahah! =))
So during our last period, we didn't have a teacher and a lot were out practicing for Quiz Bees and doing IPs, so I sat with Twinkle and Vergel who happened to be talking about personal stuff. I joined in, then so did Bruce, then Gerlyn. We kind of talked a lot about Lovey stuff. > . < Hahahah! :P
Anywayss, while we were doing that, I asked Vergel if I could borrow his shirt. Then I wore it!!! Hahahah! :P
Although I'm begging you, please don't. Hahah! :P
[Phone's camera once again. T~T Sorry~]
Then came dismissal, I had to give Vergel's shirt back, and before my sister and I headed home, we bought snacks... and guess what I found in Starpines! :D Come on... guess... :P
Alright.... I found Strawberry Oreo!! :D
I know, I know... It's not that new. My sister's seen it before, so has my brother... But this is my first time seeing it, so don't bug me about it. > . <
These pictures were taken in our car, so please excuse them for being dark. xD
Anywayss... Nothing much to blog about today... Nothing big's really happening right now, so yea. xD
Oh! And before I forget:
September 22, 2009Happy Birthday
Bianca Alabanza
Aica Rafio
John Carlo Gonzales
Yea, and I thought everyone celebrated their birthdays on September 18. Hahah! xD Actually, yesterday [Sept. 22], more people celebrated. >u< I just don't know who the others are, Laika announced around 3 other celebrants though. :P
Anywayss... I'm just going to give you guys an extra bit before I end my post. This may not interest a few of you since you don't know her, but it won't hurt to continue reading. :P
So I guess we all know our batchmate, Janine. Well, have you ever seen her sleeping in class?
No, this picture was rotated, and yes, she is sleeping on the wall. :P
Hahahah! OK, OK... Goodnight... nyao~ ^w^
...These are the good old days you're going to miss in the years ahead.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sfidato Ain't Sfidato Without a Guitar ♫ 5:18 PM
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane...
And today is another holiday. Hahahah! xD I think this is the school year with the most number of cancelled classes. :P As Masato would say, "Shortened School Year" ^o^
But yea, today SCAs had a meeting. We started filling out the log books [or Violation Books] for each class, and they started setting up the Discipline Charts that would be put up by tomorrow.
But of course, it's not like we did anything for the whole 6 hours [in my case, 4 and a half hours] of the meeting. It was kinda boring. Hahah! :P But you know, Sfidato isn't Sfidato without a guitar around. Hahah! :P
[[ Every time we have meetings or gatherings, there will [and must] always be a guitar. ^o^ ]]
We were just sitting in the basement doing practically nothing. :P I was with Sari and Nicole along with some of the people who practiced for the Poetry in Motion and Oral Interpretation competitions.
Aaaaand when I got home, I went straight to the computer and got bored, so I was on YouTube, watching Krista Nicole singing. [By the way, you should check her out here, she's awesome. :D]
Then I ended up watching the video I took of Laika and Caleb singing during LitMus when we were sophomores. :D Then I browsed some of the related videos and I saw a few uploaded by batchmates. So I checked them out. And whenever I see these videos, it makes me want to look around for other videos of our batch.
So I searched "2k10 UBSHS" and saw this video of the band playing Kaleidoscope World by Francis M. It loads pretty slow and it's a little blurry, but it's ok. :P
I actually didn't believe that it was our batchmates coz I don't remember them performing that song in the gym. So I decided to watch the video to make sure.
Still, I couldn't recall when it was, so I continued watching and started to think that maybe they're different people. But then I saw the title 2k10 band of UB sci high pLaying Kaleidoscope WorLd and noticed that the bassist looked like Vernon, one of the guys on guitar looked like Justin Yodong, and the singer didn't only look like Vergel but it sounded like him too. > . <
So I was convinced that this was our batch's band, and I IMed a few people and asked them if they remembered when this happened. And all three of them didn't know either. > . <
Anyways, thanks for reading. :P I'm gonna go, I haven't started doing our assignments yet. Computer kills me, I know nothing about the lessons and the Physics is kinda hard since it's taken from Sir Ryan's book again. > . <
I better get to work, but I doubt I'm gonna finish anything tonight.
Oh! Oh! DP's on! xD
Right, right. :D The video was taken during the Handog. Hahahah! xD I probably don't remember coz Nicki and I were crying that time. ^^
Anyways, byeee~ those who could not hear the music. ü
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Continued ♫ 10:03 PM
Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt...
Wow! ACET was way easier than I expected! Ahahahah! :P I knew it'd be easier than UPCAT, but I expected it to be harder. Oh well... :P
I was almost late for the exam though. -.-" I didn't know my way around City High so I kept going around asking people for directions, then good thing I ran into Sato. :D He was asking for directions as well, and lucky for him, the guard gave him a straight answer. :))
Whenever I'd ask someone, they'd say "doon" or "tanungin mo sa guidance office" But that was the problem. x_x I had no idea where.
So I went with Sato and then I finally found my room. :P I was with Jill, Jae-a, Jaja, Dan Dan, Nalig and Jayrenz... Uhh... Those were the only batchmates I remember. :|
I was also in the same room with a few familiar people. Danielle... Uhh... a girl from SLU that I met through YM coz her friend was using Harvee's account. Then we talked and all, but I don't think she remembers me. :P
And the other one was Nina. :D She's this girl I met in CISV [summer camp] in Subic when I was 9 years old. I always thought she was younger than me coz she used to be so small and cute, but then I saw her during the UPCAT and now during ACET. :P And again, I don't think she remembers me. Hahahah! :P
Anywayss... I went home kinda late. :|
Let's put that aside first. 'Coz today I joined a blog contest! :D It's the first ever blog contest I joined, and a lot of people joined this one [and some already have 100+ points x_x] so there are really small chances of me winning. But oh well... Hahahah! :D
It's called PoshCraze. :D And they have really cool prizes. [=
So if you want to help me in any way, please click here. Thanks! ^^
So that's it for today. :D Goodnights. ^w^
...then he starts wearing it everyday.
To Be Continued... ♫ 10:58 AM
Why Study For Exams? Are they not about what you know...
Uhmm... Nothing much to blog about this morning, I'm just going to post a few things and get going. [=
[Gonna make a new post later on when I get back. :D]
So first of all, today is our ACET. I'm just gonna take a quick shower and head over to City High for the exam at 1:30. Pray for me, guys. ^^
And I hope I see someone I know there... I mean... I don't know my way around that school, so yea. Hahah! :P
Oh, and...
Happy Birthday!
Nikki-Chan!! :D
Yes, it's Nikki-Chan's birthday today. :P I made her virtual gifts last week and I guess it won't hurt to put them up here on my blog. :P
Click here for gift number 1 and here for gift number 2. :P
"Why don't I just put up the pictures?" That's coz the second gift loads reeeeeaaaal slow since it has about one billion frames. Hahahah! :P It's animated, that's why. :|
Anywayss... I'm gonna go. [= Pray for me. ^^
And also God Bless to everyone else taking the ACET. [=
...and not about how much you can cram into your head the night before? ö
Friday, September 18, 2009
Losing My Sense of Proportion ♫ 10:55 PM
For once, I want to be hard to leave...
Ehmmm...? Yesterday? I don't remember what happened... :| Waaaaaiittt..... =/
I don't remember... -.-" So I'll just talk about what happened today. xD
Umm... Let's see... I got up pretty late coz last night, my sisters and I were watching Friends. xD My siblings and I just really love that show. :P Everytime we look for something to watch, we end up watching either anime or Friends. :P
And while we were in our classes during Sacred Silence this morning... Weeeeee~ Kuro Neko smiled at me. ^w^ Hahahahah! I know, I know... It's probably normal, but he was sitting on a chair outside his class, and I got tired of standing, so I sat on the table by the window right outside of my class, and I was facing him.
And right beside me, Jaja and Charish were talking, and I got bored, I didn't know what to do, I got tired of telling the adings to keep quiet... Then I looked at him sitting on the chair, then he smiled at me. >w<
No! It wasn't a normal smile. :P It was more like... a blinky smile.. Bah! How do I explain this? Hahahah! It's like he blinks both his eyes then smiles at me... Wah! It's hard to put it into words. -.-" A picture would've been better. Hahahah! :P
Anywayss... I think I'm overreacting about the whole thing, but also during one of our subjects, we were having a seat work. And a lot of people were going to the front to get our teacher to check their work, and he was there.
I think his answers were just about right, but he had to change something, so as he walked back to his seat, he looked like he wanted to add something to his answers, so he got down on one knee right in front of me and used my desk to write his answers... Ah! I know a lot of people do that, and I do that as well, but it's just weird that he had to do it on my desk.
Bah! Whatever. Hahahah! :P I'm overreacting... too much. Don't mind me. xD
Oh! ACET is tomorrow! xD Wish me luck... Pray for me... :D
God Bless to everyone else taking the ACET. ^^ Aaaaaaaaand...
Happy Birthday!
'Lola' Laika Pantaleon
'Seatmate' Bryan O'Brien
My new 'brother-in-law' Aeron Soria [hahah! :P]
Little Bro Ading Yvan Fonacier
and Manang Israh Que, my sister's best friend [=
Yea, everyone's celebrating their birthdays today. :P
Anywayss... that's it :D Goodnight :D Gonna get a good night's rest for tomorrow. xD
...have someone up all night thinking of me.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sic itur ad astra ♫ 8:40 PM
"You can't stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you...
[This way to the stars]
First of all... Here are a couple of pictures of the Sir Emmett pins. ^^
"Across the darkness, I salute the dawn." Is what Sir Emmett would say during the Red Carpet, but ever since he left, all year levels and alumni would say it at the end of our salutations.
I'm not a hundred percent sure of how the salutations were originally delivered, but since I was a freshman, each batch would have their own. [=
Here's the original picture :D I found it on FaceBook. [=
Click on it for a bigger view. :P
Aaaaand, last Saturday, a few of my classmates went to school to decorate our classroom [which (again) should be done during the first few weeks of school in June]. Then they made our seat plan. Daryll tried sending a picture to me, but sadly, I couldn't receive it through YM, so I had to take a look at it yesterday.
And here it is:
Those are all stolen pictures of everyone. xD Except for Val.. :| Hers isn't stolen. > . < No fair. xD And Jane [Maeng] has no picture, so all they could think of to put was a Korean flag. :|
Funniest pictures for me are Gianne's [First (full) row, second from the right], Charish's [beside Gianne, first (full) row first from the right], Jane Ang [Last line second from the right], and Vergel [last line, second from the left]
Hahahah! Funny xD Some pictures aren't clear though since the light's reflecting against the plastic cover. :|
Try to find my picture! Hahahah! :P Can't? Take a look at this picture and try to find it in the one above. :P
FIRST ONE TO FIND IT GETS.... uhh... to be happy. :D Weeeeee~
According to them, this was taken by Jam when we were at Enchanted Kingdom after our Girl Scout Regional Encampment last December. :P
Anywayss, right now I'm getting annoyed with a few friends. We'll give nicknames okay? And just to inform a few people, I'm not backstabbing, I'm just speaking my mind about this. And no, even if you're one of my closest friends, I'm not going to tell you who these people are.
First of all, let's call her Elle... Ehh... I don't know why.. Let's just call her that. Hahah! :P
Anywayss, in class, she's always poking me, trying to tickle me and when she moves her feet around, she puts up my feet or my skirt. > . < It's annoying. I mean, sure, she's nice and fun and she helps me a lot with school work, but it's annoying what she does in class. > . <
Anywayss... my other problem is with a close friend. Let's call her Jax. Umm.... yeaa... I don't know why either.. It's random, so don't blame me if people start thinking of reasons why I'm using these names. :P
Anywayss, when Jax and I hang out, I sometimes mention one of my friends, let's call her Chlow. Whenever I mention her name or say something about her, Jax says something really negative about her, and I get so ticked off, but I end up not saying anything about it to her coz... I don't know... we might start arguing and I'll end up just saying "Fine, fine... Whatever you say." and then I'll end up being the loser. > . <
But she's said a lot of things about her... Like calling saying how she only got into the honors coz she cheated, how she's fat and all... -.-* It annoys me a lot but I don't want to say anything about it. ]=
Anywayss, I guess that's all. Oh! And Last Saturday, my mom sent us messages on FaceBook saying that she's coming to visit us for a week!! ^w^
Yay! :D I haven't seen her for 4 years, and I'm really excited to see her. ^^
Anywayss, goodnight guys. :D I'm gonna go to bed. ^^
Happy Birthday to my bro, Raymart Marzan!! :D
Happy Birthday, bro. ^^ I miss you. ^^ I Love you. ^^
...You have to go to them sometimes." ~ Winnie the Pooh ü
Friday, September 11, 2009
Ten Jew Berry Muds ♫ 9:35 PM
And sometimes a simple glance with a smile, and if I'm lucky...
Waaa~ So I could've posted this a couple of hours ago, but I was too distracted. Yes, here I am again watching Alyssa Bernal videos. hahah! xD
Yes, she's awesome! :D She's one of the best YouTube singers I've ever seen. ^w^ Check her out here! :D
Anwyayss... Yesterday, we finally got our Sir Emmett Pins. ^w^ [Pictures tomorrow... Sorry... I'm sleepy. Hahah! :P]
And Today Sir Tim asked us to have our own Journals for English class. We need to have at least 3 entries a week and they'd be submitted to him every Tuesday. Uhh.. Yea, I guess it kinda reminds me of the movie Freedom Writers as well. Hahah! :P
I got a little bored earlier in class, so I opened my journal [notebook] to the very first page, and decided to make a sort of 'title page' for it. xD
I doodled "Chinky Imperfections: On Paper" on the page. Hahahah! :P I know, I know.. Corny, but I was hella bored. xD
And by now, you're probably wondering about my blog post's title. :P Hahahah! :D About a year ago [or so], I received this E-mail. It's really cute and I happened to stumble upon it again today. :P
It's weird, funny and cute all at the same time. Hahahah! But I find it really cute. ^w^
This'll make you give out a giggle or two, no doubt:
This is an exercise in language skills. Do you think Bush could get it?To get the full effect, this should be read aloud. You will understand what "ten jew berry muds" means by the end of the conversation. This was nominated for the best email of 2005.
The following is a telephone exchange between a hotel guest and room-service, at a hotel in Asia, which was recorded and published in the Far East Economic Review:
Room Service (RS): "Morrin. Roon sirbees."
Guest (G): "Sorry, I thought I dialed room-service."
RS: "Rye..Roon sirbees..morrin! Jewish to oddor sunteen??"
G: "Uh..yes..I'd like some bacon and eggs."
RS: "Ow July den?"
G: "What??"
RS: "Ow July den?...pryed, boyud, poochd
G: "Oh, the eggs! How do I like them? Sorry, scrambled please."
RS: Hokay. An Sahn toes
G: "What?"
RS: "An toes. July Sahn toes
G: "I don't think so
RS: "No? Judo wan sahn toes
G: "I feel really bad about this, but I don't know what 'judo wan sahn toes'means
RS: "Toes! toes!...Why jew don juan toes? Ow bow Anglish moppin we bodder?"
G: "English muffin!! I've got it! You were saying 'Toast.' Fine. Yes, an English muffin will be fine."
RS: "We bodder?"
G: "No...just put the bodder on the side-
RS: "Wad!?"
G: "I mean butter...just put it on the side."
RS: "Copy?"
G: "Excuse me?"
RS: "Copy...tea...meel?"
G: "Yes. Coffee, please, and that's all
RS: "One Minnie. Scramah egg, crease baykem, Anglish moppin we bodder on sigh and copy....rye??"
G: "Whatever you say
RS: "Ten jew berry muds."
Hahahahahah! Isn't it just cute? >w<
One last thing, before I end this post... Yesterday, we had 5-6 class [we have it once a week], and unfortunately, I was a cleaner as well. So when we were dismissed, we started cleaning and a few other people stayed because we had to decorate our classroom [which we normally have to do during the first week of classes in June].
Then I walked outside to wash my hand coz for the whole last period, I was cleaning up after our bunny's mess. So yea.. Hahah! :P I went out of the classroom, headed to the comfort room, washed my hands, then walked back to our classroom just to see... [You'll never guess] Dimples...Yes, dimples... -.-"
Gosh, I haven't seen him for weeks... Not that I was bothered by it, but then he and Kuro Neko started talking. And whenever I'd look at one of them, I couldn't help but look at the other one as well. >_<
Gah! It's so confusing. >_<
Then as I walked to the faculty room with Twinkle, dimples was walking behind me with his friends, and Jaja kept teasing me and stuff.
She's just really like that, I guess. Hahah! :P But she knows that I like someone else now. :P
Anywayss... I just thought I'd talk about it 'cause when that was happening, I kept telling myself "*Insert Kuro Neko's real name here*" over and over again, and Twinkle told me "Mind setting? I thought you've moved on."
That made me confused.. :| When I saw dimples yesterday, I admit that maybe there were feelings left. But who was there to blame? I mean, I liked him for the past two to three years, told him, then ended up ruining our friendship. ]=
And then here comes stupid me, about a month ago, I started liking this other guy I nicknamed Kuro Neko, thinking that if dimples found out I liked someone else, then maybe we could be friends again. >_<
I don't know. >_< This is making my brain hurt. >_<
Oh well... As Charish says when it comes to love matters "Mag-aral muna!!" Hahahah! :P
'Til here. I'll post pictures of the pins and my journal and all tomorrow. ^w^
Time to read Fairy Tail! <3 Byee~
...a 'hi', can make my day a billion times better. ü
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Goddess of the Sea ♫ 9:08 PM
If science fiction is the mythology of modern technology...
First of all, in Sir Emmett's funeral, they were giving away free pins. :D
This is the free pin from batch '96. [= There were also cooler pins which were being sold for 50 PHP. They're going to sell them in school tomorrow. ^^
[Memorable batch moment: After the burial, they handed us free lunch. Since the shaded area was crowded, we were fine with eating together while it was drizzling. :D Then the rain started to get stronger......... Next thing we knew, we were eating under the rain. :D]
Anywayss.. then today, we finally had our draw lots for who we'd dress as for our Greek Fest. :D
Only seniors have this, supposedly every year. But for the past two years no one had it. But when we were freshmen, our angels did. :D And we're lucky now to be able to hold this event. ^^
Anywaaays... :D I was able to get a goddess. ^^ A couple of girls randomly got to be mortals. And a few were muses. I'm lucky! :D Hahah! :P I'm a goddess. :P
Yes, I got Ceto [pronounced as Keto] the goddess of the sea. ^^
If you search the internet though, a few sites say I'm a sea monster. Hahah! :P But some say I'm [she's] the goddess of the sea. Although if I'm not mistaken, the real goddess of the sea is Amphitrite. Oh well.. :P
And despite of how we're going to present it as a class, it might be a story, or just showing our costumes [or however they want to have it], Josh will be my partner. :P
He's Poseidon, the god of the sea. :P
Anywayss, that's all for today's post. xD
I wanna read Fairy Tail before going to bed. :P Soooo... Advanced goodnight to you all. :P
...then its myth is tragic. ö
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Fun In The Sun: Photos ♫ 9:03 PM
My life is like a stroll on the beach...
Get ready to get a glimpse of eight billion pictures! Hahah! :D I've been waiting forever and a half for the day I'd be able to post the pictures. Hahah! :D And here they are. :D
Just a few reminders:
o1. All pictures are clickable! :D Yay~ ^^
o2. Picture captions and descriptions will be below the pictures. :D
o3. For those who are wondering why I have to use clickable pictures instead of enlarged the pictures, then... Peh! I don't want giant pictures filling up my blog. > . < Hahah! ü
o4. Credits for the pictures go to Jamila Lucas and Sonya Sison. :P
So that's it. :D Here are the pictures. ö
That was in the morning, when we went back to school after carrying stuff from Nalig's house. :D Right before we rode in the vans. :P
It's pretty dark though. I had to edit the brightness and the exposure and all that. :P It was early in the morning, but I don;t remember it being that dark, so I guess there's something wrong with Sonya's cam. :P
That was during morning devotion! :D I love morning devotion. ^^ Especially if we're outside school and people stare coz we're singing songs they don't know. :D Hahahah! :D Kiddingggg. :P
It's fun devoting our mornings to the Lord. ^^
There was another picture before these two were taken. There were only about 5-8 people in it. And unfortunately, I was the only one who wasn't able to jump on time. Hahahah! :)) So I decide not to post it. xD
First picture was when a lot of people joined in. :P And a lot weren't able to jump on time. It was only Ange, me and Thea who were able to. :P
Second picture... Still not everyone, but good enough. Hahah! :P It's pretty easy to spot me. :D I'm the one in green. xD [My face isn't seen though.]
Yes, I was in green from upper body to toe. :P My top was brown with green.. flowers? I don't really know. :)) Green shorts, and green Banana Peel slippers. xD
Anywaaayyys... next pictures! :P
There weren't any pictures of us in the pool during the morning. They're probably in Criselle or Anthony's cameras, and they haven't uploaded yet. [=
That was the tug of war. :D Hahahah! That was the round on the sand. xD
This was the round in the water. xD Ricco was the referee guy... or whatever it's called in tug-of-war. :P
And as we agreed upon, the losing team would have to roll in the sand. Hahah! :P
That's us getting ready to do our thing. Hahahah! :P [I feel so fortunate to have been in all (okayy... most) of the beach pictures. Hahah! :P]
Weeeee~ Roll! Roll! Roll! ^o^ Hahahah! :P
You can see me in both pictures xD First one is with Thea and Jam. [Jam is the really skinny one in dark pink. :P And Thea's the one in blue. :P]
Second picture is of the same people but with Daryll ahead of us. :))
These pictures are of the winning team playing against Manong VJ's team. Hahahah! :P
L-R: Sir Dio, Manong VJ, and his two batchmates. :)
They won the first round [on sand] and lost in the next two round [in water]. Hahah! :P But they didn;t roll. -.-" No fair. > . < Hahah! :P
These pictures were taken after lunch. :D We didn't want to go into the big pool yet since it was really sunny and the sun is normally really hot during that time of the day. :P So We stayed in the kiddie pool where the shade was. :P
And as you can see in the pictures above, Harvee and Nalig tried to carry Kate. Hahahah! xD
Then next are pictures of the relay thing. I'm getting lazy, so I'll only post the ones with me in it. Hahahah! :P
That's Me, Xavier and Jillian waiting for our groupmates to tag us and give us the coins, and for Caleb to throw a different coin into the pool for us to looks for. [That's why we're facing away from the pool. :P ]
Next picture is still of the three of us, this time we're trying to look for the coins. :P Jill found the coin I was supposed to find and I found hers. So we kinda just switched. Hahah! :P
And that's the line. :D Remember what I said before? About the losing team having to swim under the other two teams. Hahah! xD Yea, that's the line. :P There are about 20 people in the line. :D
[No pictures of synchronized swimming and us playing tag. T~T ]
Then that's a picture of everyone [except Sonya (<--photographer)] forming a giant 10! :D
Yep, that's it. And for a short time while we were playing tag and a few seconds while we were forming the 10, it started raining. xD But who cares? Hahah! :P We were already wet anyways. :P
Then after that, we all started to shower and get dressed. While some were showering, some decided to swim a little more [that's when I swam too low and hit my face on the pool's floor. > . < ]
Then we showered and headed home. ^^
Yeaaaa... that's it. Hahah! :D
I'm gonna go sleep. :P
4 posts in one day is really tiring. Hahahah! :D Goodnighties! ^w^ near to the edge as I can go.
Scout Official For A Day: Photos ♫ 8:31 PM
A Girl Scout is a friend to all...
So as I mentioned in the original post, before leaving school, Ma'am Dep talked to us a bit and we offered a few minutes of our time for a short prayer led by Caleb.
Then we took a taxi going to the council. We were a little late, so when we arrived, they've already finished with the flag ceremony and stuff.
So we took the exam. Then after that, the interview. :D
This was when we were waiting for our turn for the interview while others had theirs. :D Ma'am Pam was nice enough to buy us snacks and drinks. :D [CHUCKIIIIEE!! xD]
And like I said before, after our interview, we found the boys sitting in the lobby of the Girls Scout council. :P So we went out and took some pictures. :D *points to picture above*
Clickable!! :D
Then we started walking to Session Road for lunch. :D
But then we had to make a stop-over at a store coz Michi had to buy something. :D
Then we went to KFC. Hahah! :P
Aaaaand that's it. Hahah! :P I didn't see any pictures of our "clean up drive" on FaceBook. Hahah! :D So I guess that's it. :P
I'll post the pictures of us cleaning once someone uploads them. :P
...and a sister to every other girl scout. ö